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SGID demographic category

Census 2020 Places

Last update · August 2021 - Initial load

Category: Demographic Data Type: Polygon GIS data Stewards: UGRC & US Census Bureau

Census Places consist of both legally-established cities and Census Designated Places (CDPs). CDPs provide data for unincorporated but concentrated areas of development at are readily identifiable by name but aren't officially incorporated as a city. This layer only contains boundary information to enable you to join your own demographic data.

Incorporated cities and CDPs can be distinguished by the CLASSFP20 field. Learn more about these codes on the Census Bureau's Class Codes and Definitions , opens in a new tab page.

Use the data

Quick clips

Feature service URL Copy to clipboard

Open SGID sample query

select * from demographic.census_places_2020 limit 10; Copy to clipboard

Getting started

Learn more about the SGID on ArcGIS.
Learn more about the Open SGID and how to connect.


You can copy and paste the feature service URL above into ArcGIS Pro or a web map to visualize this data or access the query endpoint to query the data with your favorite programming language.

A closer look

Utah's 2020 census geographic boundaries became available in February 2021 and the demographic redistricting legacy files (the 2020 Census Redistricting P.L. 94-171 Summary Files) became available on August 12, 2021. The Census Bureau will release a more user-friendly version of the 2020 Census Redistricting P.L. 94-171 Summary Files on September 30, 2021. In the meantime, UGRC, with collaboration from the Analytics Group at WFRC , opens in a new tab , has worked with the August 12 release and has created ready-to-use GIS data in several formats that hopefully make the 2020 redistricting data easier to use. Read more about these offerings in the blog post, 2020 Census Redistricting Data in Easy to Use GIS Formats

The 2020 data available on this page was downloaded from the 2020 Census Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) , opens in a new tab page. All 2020 census geographies reflect boundaries as of January 1, 2020. Additional GIS files and support products are available on the census redistricting data , opens in a new tab page.

Geography is a fundamental aspect of the census, providing the framework for the once-a-decade count of population and housing. Read about some of the key geography changes in the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute's 2020 census geography blog , opens in a new tab and fact sheet , opens in a new tab .

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